Health Check 11/30/10

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Dogs that aren’t eating this morning

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Snickers Evers

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Awnee Ellis

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Zoe Lombardo

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Todd Schaeffer

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Coffey Deal

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Dempsey & Solo

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Willie Hanley

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Awnee Ellis

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11/29 Health Exam

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Zoe Lombardo

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Dylan Lerch

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Sick dogs

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Otis Hughen

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Baxter Absalon

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Beaux Brugman

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Hugo Mills

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Coffey Deal

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Niko Prewitt

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Otis Hughen

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Fizzle Cruser

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Niko Prewitt

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Awnee Ellis

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Tess Ho

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Smoky Morgan

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Aspen Redden

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Smoky Aman

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Tank/Cooper Hendley

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Woodrow/Peanut Howell

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Dempsey/Solo Kachulis

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Benny Villaescusa

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Smoky Aman

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Tessa Ho

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Niko Prewitt

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Charlie/Willie Holdman

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Charlie Prewitt

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Ranger Hoeger

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Aspen Redden

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Ollie Cantu

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Zoe Lombardo

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Keira McCurry

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Brody/Chase Harkins

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Coffey Deal

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Lucy Arnott

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Baxter Johnson

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DRAIN in south wing

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Cooper Hendley

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Beax Brugman

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