Category: Uncategorized

Ozzy Pugachev 12/23/23

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12/23/2023 Not Eating Report

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12/22/2023 Not Eating Report

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Yaga Collins 12/20/23

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Dublin Briody 12/20/23

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Arlo Lipani & Murray Alijani 12/20/23

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V & D Report 12/20/23

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12/20/2023 Not Eating Report

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Boomer Drace 12/20/23

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Finn Todd 12/20/23 cc

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Lucy Colgan 12/20/23

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Chief Griffith 12/19/23

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V and D Report 12/19/23

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12/19/2023 Not Eating Report

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Glimmer Barry 12/19/23

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Mya Miller 12/18/23

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V and D report 12/18/23

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12/18/2023 Not Eating Report

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12/17/23 Not Eating Report

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V and D Report 12/17/2023

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12/16/23 Not Eating Report

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V and D report 12/16/2023

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V & D Report 12/15/23

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Ripley Brogan 12/15/23

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Quinn Vitucci – CC 12/15/23 – Pneumonia

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12/15/2023 Not Eating Report

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12/14/2023 Not Eating Report.

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Cooper and Boone Meek – Possible CC 12/14/23

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Kirby Brecht 12/14/23

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V and D Report 12/14/23

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Lennon Ball 12/13/23

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12/13/2023 Not Eating Report

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Jake Warkoski 12/13/23 – CC – Pneumonia

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V and D Report 12/13/23

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Bobby Ugueto 12/13/23

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12/12/23 Riley Jaspers CC

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12/12/2023 Not Eating Report

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Milo Miklaszewski 12/12/23

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Lacy Fuller 12/12/23

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Luke Charton 12/12/23

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Doc Whitney 12/12/23

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Porthos Schaper 12/11/23

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Kodi Mclaughlin 12/11/23

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12/11/2023 Not Eating Report

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Pixel Luey – Possible CC 12/11/23

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Finley and Riley Sallas – Possible CC 12/11/23

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Oskar Kavanagh 12/11/23

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Ajax and Groucho Troyer 12/11/23

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Brodie Artibee 12/10/2023

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12/10/2023 Not Eating Report.

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